Monday, November 29, 2010

Our First Week

We had our first doctor appointment today.
Dr. Haug is a really nice doctor and explains stuff really well.
Which is awesome because I have never had a baby before and I am partially clueless on what is going on.
He said everything with Desmond looks great. He is a perfect baby. Of course :)
Although, since he lost 10% of his body weight since leaving the hospital, I have to come back friday to get him weighed. He doesn't think it will be a problem since my mature milk just came in so Desmond hasn't really had a chance to gain weight off of it. 

He is doing so great.

More pictures :)

my first picture with him. i look so tired.

little feet

proud papa

i dont think i have seen rodney this happy before

flowers from rodney. they are beautiful.

first time in his carseat. he didn't like it that much.

this was right after I got my epidural. explains why I look so relaxed :)

Bundle of joy...

I am awful at updating. Especially at the time I should be sharing news with the world.
Rodney and I welcomed our beautiful son, Desmond Okello Ojuka into this world last wednesday,
November 24th. Seeing as the next day was Thanksgiving, we had so much to be thankful for!

We had gone to my weekly doctor appointment that morning. After getting checked, my doctor said that my body was more than ready to go into labor and since I was 39 weeks along, baby was perfectly able to come out. She asked if we would like to go over to the hospital and get things going and have him that day. So we did :)

Everything got started around 11 am, Dr. Roles broke my water about 12:15 pm, I got my epidural around 1:30 and was stuck in bed for another 8 hours.
Time went by real fast though. 
Almost too fast. 

Desmond Okello Ojuka was born at 9:46 pm
Weighing in at 8 lbs 9 oz
21 inches long

and screaming like a champ :)

He is such a happy baby. Rarely cries unless he needs something. We are still getting adjusted to being new parents but we love him so so much.

More to come...

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

37 ish weeks

We are coming into the home stretch
Technically we are full term but I really want to wait until im 39 ish weeks to deliver.
He is the decider here.
Not me.

Although, I have been contracting and having pains.
Nothing worth timing so lets not hold our breath.

Rodney and I are getting very excited and making sure everything is ready.
Went and spent 200 dollars on frozen/non perishable groceries just so the pantry is
stocked up and ready.
Installed carseat.
Packed hospital bags.
There are a few things i still need to throw in but i'm going to wait until after
my baby shower to get them.

Speaking of baby shower,
it is this Sunday, November 14th.
You all are invited :)

I may just give birth right then and there :)

Its so close.

Pretty sure I have already mentioned how much I miss utah right now.
I havent spent a fall in Kansas since I was in high school.
Utah became my home.

Anywho, what I am really missing right now is Rodneys family.
Especially his mom, Grace.
She is such a great lady and I look up to her for so many reasons.
I know I will learn many great lessons from my own mom about being a mother,
but I hope I can learn lessons from Grace as well because she is the
other grandmother of my son.

I hope Rodneys family can come out to visit after Desmond is born.
Or that we can go out there as soon as the roads are clear enough to drive through the mountains.
its all up in the air.
we will see :)

he just needs to get here first :)