Saturday, September 25, 2010

bein crafty :)

I finally got off my butt and started to work on stuff for Desmonds room.
here is the fabric i chose out :)

My good friend sabrina had given me a little dresser to use for the baby.
I decided to repaint it the same green as in the fabric
(which i was able to find in spray paint. i call it a miracle.)
im so lazy.
and i recovered the drawers in the stripes and polka dots.

i looove it.
Now, the crib will be painted that maroonish color and the two drawers will be covered in the argyle.
and my granda made a quilt for him out of all the fabric.
its so cute and i love it so much.
she has made all of the grandchildren quilts. every stitch handmade.
Desmond may be the last great grandchild to get a quilt so i will make sure he cherishes it forever.

oh and on a lighter note...
i found this!


31 weeks

I cant believe we are already into the "30's"
and i'm actually updating on the exact week mark.

im turning into a blogaholic.
dont judge.

weekly survey? yes

How far along:
 31 Weeks! Only 9 weeks to go!
Weight gain:
 still probably around 4 lbs. i have an appt on october 6th...thats when ill know for sure
Stretch Marks:
 none more this week
Maternity Clothes:
 all my pants are maternity. i can still get by with my regular shirts/tank tops. and im stealing rodneys shirts :)
Alright. Im getting it! Just wake up to pee early in the AM & my back feels sore when I wake.
Best moments this week:
I'm starting to feel Desmond move more. AND i can see him roll around in my stomach!
Food cravings:
None really, just want LOTS of food in general.
 A precious baby boy named Desmond!
Belly button in/out:
Its holding as a innie.Probably gonna be a flattie sometime soon.
Lots and lots! Hes a wild man.
Labor Signs:
 None, just starting to feel Braxton Hicks. But no real labor signs.
What I miss:
Going from sit to stand with out having to pee!
Looking forward too:
 Meeting my baby boy!
Weekly wisdom:
One day at a time.
Milestone: Each week Desmond stays cooking is a blessing and a milestone :)

& the websites say,
This week, your baby measures over 16 inches long. He weighs about 3.3 pounds (try carrying four navel oranges) and is heading into a growth spurt. He can turn his head from side to side, and his arms, legs, and body are beginning to plump out as needed fat accumulates underneath his skin. He's probably moving a lot, too, so you may have trouble sleeping because your baby's kicks and somersaults keep you up. Take comfort: All this moving is a sign that your baby is active and healthy."


Thursday, September 23, 2010

30 weeks photo

I'm lame.
i really should just post the 30 week update and picture at the same time.

ill do that for 31 weeks.
which is in 2 days.

here i am.
in all my glory.
unfortunately no rodney creepin in the background.
and im in my frumpy stage i think.
i. do. not. care.


cute huh?

Monday, September 20, 2010

30 weeks...10 to go

Technically I think this is where I can start counting back :)
so, 10 weeks left!

Rodney is getting more and more excited.
I'm getting anxious.

I found a cute little survey on someone elses blog.
Its a good generalized way to tell you how everything is going

How far along:
 30 weeks! 10 to go
Weight gain:
4 lbs. be jealous :) just the beginning I lost a bit of weight and have gained it all back. so technically speaking, about 15 pounds. but 4 pounds pre pregnancy.
Stretch Marks:
some. I began with some anyway, so im not heart broken.
Maternity Clothes:
 Yes. Everything but pajamas and dresses. I still fit into some regular shirts :)
 Starting to wake up more to pee. I hate it because if the sun is already up then I cant fall back asleep.
Best moments this week:
 hitting the 30 week mark :)
Food cravings:
None really, just want LOTS of food in general.
A precious baby boy named Desmond!
Belly button in/out:
 still an innie. almost to the flat stage though 
 Lots and lots! Although hes had a few sleepy days this week!
Labor Signs:
 None =] just lots of cramps.
What I miss:
bending over to pick things up.
Looking forward too:
 Meeting my baby boy!
Weekly wisdom:
One day at a time.
ummmm none this week so far :)
Now, what is baby up to?
Baby's now the size of a squash!As baby's skin smoothes out, his brain just keeps getting more wrinkled. All those grooves and indentations increase surface area, meaning more room for that oh-so-essential brain tissue. He's also adding some brawn -- his grip is now strong enough to grasp a finger.


In other news...I am really very excited for Halloween.
 I love fall.
Always have. Always will.
Still trying to figure out what I'm going to be. hmmmmm.

AND THEN...November...
I need to figure out when I'm going to start maternity leave.
I want to work up until my doctor says its okay, or whenever I feel like killing myself because that seems like a better option than sitting here for 8 hours straight.
oh wait, thats now. :(
Ever have a broken rib? Me either. I would probably take that right now.
Rib expansion kills.
All my life, my mom has always said I was "cursed" with a barrel ribcage.
Right now, I'm thankful.
I can imagine being in a whole lot more pain, a whole lot sooner if I was built little.
Thanks mom :)
no really...i mean it.

thats all kids. I'll be posting a picture of my tummy tomorrow. I'm in my work uniform right now
and i feel real stupid for taking every picture in the same outfit.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

late update..

took me awhile but i finally got the pictures up :)
so technically, here i am at 29 weeks & 4 days

try and guess why this picture makes me laugh so hard :)

Monday, September 13, 2010

29 weeks...11 to go!

Weekly update :)

"Baby’s energy is surging, thanks to the formation of white fat deposits beneath the skin. Baby is also settling into sleep and waking cycles, though - as you’ve also probably noticed -- they don’t necessarily coincide with your own. This month, all five senses are finally functional, and the brain and nervous system are going through major developments."

"Your baby now weighs about 2 1/2 pounds (like a butternut squash) and is a tad over 15 inches long from head to heel. His muscles and lungs are continuing to mature, and his head is growing bigger to make room for his developing brain. To meet his increasing nutritional demands, you'll need plenty of protein, vitamins C, folic acid, and iron. And because his bones are soaking up lots of calcium, be sure to drink your milk (or find another good source of calcium, such as cheese, yogurt, or enriched orange juice). This trimester, about 250 milligrams of calcium are deposited in your baby's hardening skeleton each day."

i am POSITIVE that he is so much cuter than that. :)

I started to decorate the nursery this weekend. Turns out, i had high expectations for my one can of spray paint. Looks like I will be needing about 6 more cans for the crib. ha.

I'll probably be doing another post later or tomorrow. None of the pictures I'm wanting to upload are working.

In other news, everything is great here! Desmond moves around like a crazy person all day. I love feeling his kicks. Just lets me know that he is doing okay :) Last weeks doctor appointment went great. Got to hear the heart beat. It makes my heart melt. Everything is measuring good too!
My doctor isn't too concerned that I havent gained any weight so far because I was a little bit over weight to begin with. As long as I have my diabetes under control and take my prenatals every day, everything will be fine.
I can definitely tell that Rodney is very excited to be a dad. I think he is even more excited that we are having a son. They get to do boy stuff together. Whatever that means :)

That is about it for now. Ill keep tryin for the pictures and update later.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Whats up with baby? 28 weeks & 2 days...

What is going on in there?

" By this week, your baby weighs two and a quarter pounds (like a Chinese cabbage) and measures 14.8 inches from the top of his head to his heels. He can blink his eyes, which now sport lashes. He's also developing billions of neurons in his brain and adding more body fat in preparation for life in the outside world."

He doesn't feel like a cabbage. Ill tell you that much.
This is actually the first week I have honestly felt pregnant.
Being able to sleep comfortably through the night is getting worse and whenever I drop something, which is frequently, I debate if it is important enough to try and pick up.
Plus, my toes have been naked for a week now. If they get painted, there is a chance I may lose some oxygen intake for awhile. I feel cramped. :(
It is a MIRACLE that my body can make another human being. Just never thought it would feel so awkward either. ha.

In other news, Rodney has been working like a mad man. He has only had 2 days off since he started his job almost three weeks ago. He tries to pick up double shifts whenever he can and he already works 3 doubles a week. I am so grateful he is working so hard for me and baby. I will be taking my maternity leave in around 10 weeks and its comforting to know that he is willing to sacrifice all of his free time to make sure we are taken care of. PLUS he has mentioned getting another serving job at olive garden. silly boy.
i love him.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

28 down...12 to go

Not much on my mind today, Just thought I would put up this weeks picture of my ever expanding stomach :)

oh, and sorry about the yellow shirt i wear all the time. Its my work uniform :)